On en a parlé ici, les soucis du site web et le bel outil que sont CoComment n’étaient pas passés inaperçus. Plantée du serveur, service non disponible ou aléatoire, déposes de commentaires impossible, CoComment ose (enfin) en parler via un email (reproduit ici) presque personnalisé. Juste un peu dommage de voir autant de temps passer entre l’apparition des bugs et ce feed-back en forme d’email. Ok, il est clair que c’est un service en perpétuel changement mais pourquoi alors mettre en place cette nouvelle version si tôt, empêchant du même coup le « filage » de ses propres commentaires. Un service que je recommande vivement malgré les déboires de ces derniers jours.

La copie du mail reçu à cet effet:

Dear coComment User –

Firstly, an apology.  The upgrade of coComment to Version 2.0 Beta has been difficult and I know that, as users, you have been inconvenienced.  We are sorry and promise not to do it to you again.

As well as the usual teething troubles and unexpected bugs, we experienced a database corruption which made coComment increasingly slow and unresponsive to requests.  We believe that we do now have the bugs ironed out and that the service should be faster and more reliable than before the upgrade.  However, if your experience differs please do let us know and we will resolve it for you.

We have also had a lot of feedback on the design and its usability.  We have, in response to many comments, reverted conversation display to the old ‘accordion’ style within the MyConversations framework and the client to the previous version.  The ‘new’ client, which appears on websites to allow you to control coComment, is now only activated when you use the Sidebar viewing mechanism.  We will give you the option as to which client to use, with the default setting being the less ‘intrusive’ version.

This is still a beta product … the final version will be released September 24th … so we are completely open to feedback on usability/functionality/design/look and feel.  Please let us have your comments/concerns and we will respond.

Once again, our apologies for the difficulties.  We believe very strongly in the future of the comment space and coComment 2.0 is intended to take the state of the art a long way forward.  In trying to do so much, in one step, we created problems for you and ourselves.  We will not, in future, shy away from developing the product to move it forward BUT we won’t try and do quite so much in one go !

Please feel free to email us personally with your feedback/comments and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,